Survey Questions Overview

Learn about the different types of Survey questions you can create using Zamplo Research.

In this how-to tutorial, learn about the different types of questions within Surveys in Zamplo Research.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



Single Selection

One of the most popular survey question types is single selection. This question type uses a radio button format. It allows participants to click only one answer. This question type is beneficial for binary questions, questions with ratings, or nominal scales.


Multiple Selection

Multiple selection questions are similar to single selection but allow a participant to select more than one answer. This question type uses square check boxes that allow participants to select all that apply. This question type is intuitive, good for quantitative data, and helps produce easy-to-analyze data.


Slider Visual Analog Scale

A slider visual analog scale displays a scale of answer options from a pre-selected range, such as 1 to 10 or 0 to 100. Scales can help determine participant satisfaction with their care team, give treatment plans a rating, or to see how often a participant engages in certain health behaviors such as exercise.


Symptom Slider

A symptom slider displays either a yes/no format or a scale of answer options from 0 to 10. This question type can help researchers narrow in on the severity or intensity of symptoms a participant may be experiencing. This can be useful for seeing the relationship between symptoms and medications or a type of treatment plan.


Long Answer

A long answer question lets participants fill out an answer using a text box rather than selecting pre-determined options. This allows for open-ended answers and can help provide qualitative data. Using long answer questions helps to uncover data that may not have otherwise been known.


Descriptive Section

A descriptive section allows you to add a section with information at the beginning of the survey, in between survey questions, or at the end of the survey. This section can be used to provide the participant with further information or directions.


Survey Table

Survey tables are useful when you have a group of questions that share common response options. This question type appears in the format of a table with a question column and two or more value columns that participants can select or a long answer column. Using a survey table can help to simplify a large quantity of content into a single question in a survey.


Symptom Mapping Image

Symptom mapping image displays an uploaded photo that a participant can add a pin to. This can be useful if you want participants to identify a part of the photo that is relevant to them, such as allowing a participant to pin where they feel symptoms using an image of the head, eye, or body. This question type helps create a visual guide to aid participants in quickly answering a question based on their experience.


And that’s it, you now know the question types you can create within Zamplo Research.


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