Setting up Survey Questions

Learn how to set up the different Survey question types within Zamplo Research.

In this how-to tutorial, learn how to set up the different questions within Surveys in Zamplo Research.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



Navigating to Survey questions

  1. Open Zamplo Research  
  2. Select the study profile from the “Study Profile” dropdown 
  3. Click the “Study Setup” dropdown and select “Surveys” 
  4. Select “Create New Survey”  
  5. Scroll down below consent forms and click on the “Select Type” drop down 


Common features between question types

  1. All question types will be selected using the “Select Type” dropdown 
  2. In the top left is a dropdown to determine the question order that the question will appear in 
  3. On the right side you can select “Required” if you want this to be a mandatory question 
  4. Next to that is a photo icon that allows you to select an image to accompany a question 
  5. Next is a copy icon that allows you to copy all the information from the current question into a new question 
  6. Finally, next to that is a trash icon which allows you to delete a question 


Survey branching

Another common feature you will notice in all question types, with the exception of survey tables, is the branching option. Branching within questions allows you to dictate the survey path a participant follows so they only answer questions relevant to them. 

  1. By selecting “Next question,” when a participant completes the current question, they will be sent to the next question as outlined by the numbered order in the top left 
  2. By selecting “Skip to question,” when a participant completes the current question, they will be sent to the question of your choosing or can be sent to the end of the survey 
  3. An additional option exists for single selection questions called “Skip to question based on selected option,” which allows you to choose the next question a participant goes to based on how they answered the current question 

Note #1: It’s important to note that with survey branching you can’t go to the previous question in a survey and the last question in the survey can’t have a branching option. 


Single Selection 

  1. Type in the question using the “Question” box 
  2. Enter the answer options by clicking “Add Option”  
  3. To remove an option, click the “X” next to it 
  4. To allow participants the option to add their own answer, click “Allow users to add their own answer” 


Multiple Selection

  1. Type in the question using the “Question” box 
  2. Enter the answer options by clicking “Add Option”  
  3. To remove an option, click the “X” next to it 
  4. To allow participants the option to add their own answer, click “Allow users to add their own answer” 


Slider Visual Analog Scale

  1. Type in the question you want to ask in the “Question” box 
  2. Set the minimum amount you want the value to be for the scale 
  3. Add a description so participants know what this measure means 
  4. Add in the maximum value you want the scale to have 
  5. Add in a description for the maximum end of the scale for context 


Symptom Slider

  1. Type the name of the symptom you want to track 
  2. Select either the yes/no or the 0 to 10 option for participant tracking.  
  3. The yes/no option will allow participants to select either yes or no to answer whether they are feeling the symptom or not 
  4. The 0 to 10 option allows participants to select the degree to which they are feeling the symptom. With this option, you can add descriptions to give participants information on what the values are associated with 


Long Answer

  1. Type in the question you would like to have answered in the “Question” box


Descriptive Section

  1. Add a title in the “Title” box 
  2. Add in your desired text in the “Description” box 


Survey Table

  1. Enter the title for the table in the “Title” box  
  2. Add in a description in the “Description” box for additional information 
  3. Question go in the left column and values (the answers participants choose from) go to the right of that column. You can change the number of values by clicking the [-/+] next to “Answer Column(s)” 
  4. Add headings by selecting a heading box. When a box is selected new options will appear for row colour, row type, add row, and delete row 
  5. Add in a descriptive row by clicking on one of the boxes in a row and then select “Descriptive Row” under the “Row Type” drop down 
  6. Next, add your questions. Available question types for survey tables include single selection question, a multi-selection question, or a long answer question 
  7. To hide the question column, select the “Hide Question Column” box above the table 
  8. Add in the values. For the values you can include a number, text, repeat the header, or leave it blank which will show up as a checkbox for the participant
  9. Auto Survey Scoring assigns each column a number value that will calculate the total and subtotal scores of all Survey responses during an export. If it is toggled on, you can see a score value range is auto populated but you can assign custom values as you see fit for the table you have created. You can optionally also add in a division total which allows you assign a value to divide the subtotal and total scores


Symptom Mapping Image

  1. Enter a title and description relevant to the question

  2. Next, upload the image you want the pins to be placed on by selecting “Browse

  3. Adjust or crop the image using the scale and select “Save

  4. If you decide you want to change the image, you can select the “Delete Image” button in the bottom left and select a new image using the “Browse” button

  5. Finally, select the pin colour. Note: It’s important to choose a pin colour that will stand out against the image you are using

And that’s it, you now know the question types you can create within Zamplo Research.


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