How to Create Your Community Profile

Our Community feature empowers you to find others with the same or similar diagnosis worldwide. You can chat one-to-one with others, share health journeys, expand your health knowledge, and build a global support system.

In this how-to tutorial, learn how to create your Community profile in the Zamplo App.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



To create a Community profile:

1. Open your Zamplo App

2. In the app, click on “Community” in the bottom left-hand corner

3. Click on “Let’s Get Started” and then on “Create a Profile” 

Tip #1: Turn on “sync with main profile” to maintain the same information as your main Zamplo profile.

4. Fill out your username

5. Enter your medical conditions, year of birth, biological sex, city, and country

6. Navigate to "Share your story" and write a short description of you

Tip #2: You have the option to turn on “Incognito Mode,” which keeps others from being able to search you. 

7. After choosing your preferred settings, click on "Save

You can now get started on privately and securely connecting with a global community of peers and motivating others to take control of their health journeys.


Navigate back to our Help Center for more how-to tutorials.