Benefits of A Connected Health Platform Integration

6 min read
Jul 17, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Benefits of A Connected Health Platform Integration  

Connected health platforms are centralized locations for patients to store, track, and access their health data. Because healthcare and technology are both complex systems on their own, platforms are created and used to help bridge the gap between the two systems.   

When connected health platforms, such as Zamplo App, are combined with electronic data capture platforms, they can be used in clinical research for remote patient monitoring (RPM). Electronic data capture platforms, like Zamplo Research, store data from clinical trial participants. These systems allow researchers to ensure that data is secure and compliant with study standards (Monte). Additionally, these platforms are cost-effective, allow for remote PROMs monitoring, and have quicker data access and results (Monte).  

When the two are integrated, a connected health platform can act as a participant-facing application, and the electronic data capture platform can serve as the researcher portal allowing clinicians and researchers to view and export the health data of participants more efficiently and effectively. As more healthcare and research approaches incorporate technology into practices, it is important to find innovative ways to conduct clinical trials that put the participant at the centre of every decision.   

As patients spend more time online than ever before, digital technology has become a must-have in everyday life. Smartphones, streaming websites, social media, and eBooks are a few examples of digital technology that patients may already be using. Additionally, many patients are using connected health platforms such as Fitbit or Apple Health on a daily basis. While digital technology has become more integrated into society on a personal level, industries such as the healthcare sector have seen substantial growth and benefits in using various technologies.   

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As these technologies have evolved in this sector, the term connected health was coined. So, what is a connected health platform?    

As mentioned above, connected health platforms are a meeting point between digital technology and a patient's healthcare journey. Since they can access their health data anytime or anywhere, patients are empowered to be at the center of their health journey by utilizing technology.  

These technologies may be wireless, digital, or mobile. These platforms can sound complex but are extremely valuable to the healthcare community. To learn more about connected health platforms, read our blog here 

Why Are Connected Health Platforms Beneficial?   

There are many benefits to connected health platforms ranging from cost savings in health care to increased patient engagement. Individualized care, insight-driven data, and an increase in data portability are all factors that ultimately lead patients to take a more active role in their healthcare journey.   

Taking a more active role can look like an increase in patient engagement, self-autonomy, and patient empowerment, which all factor into improving patient health and care. Connected health platforms also provide more access to care through digital monitoring and virtual appointments. This article will focus on the benefits that connected health platforms have for patients on a global scale.   

Individualized Care   

Patient-centred care is when the patient's specific health needs, along with individual desired outcomes, become the driving force of their healthcare journey.   

The patient-centred care model heavily relies on active collaboration with stakeholders. By using a shared decision-making process, patients can benefit from a more customized care plan, helping their physical and mental well-being. Because much of this is communication-based, technology can effectively and efficiently be used to share information. When information and health data is shared in a timely manner, patients and stakeholders have more autonomy with decision making.  

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Care pathways in the current healthcare system have not been structured for individualized or patient-centred care, which is now being recognized in the new digital age (HIMSS). The current health care system focuses on treating illnesses and diseases, rather than on promoting wellness and quality of life. This one size fits all approach does not meet the needs of all patients.  

48% of Canadians expect that the use of technology in healthcare will improve and drive a better healthcare experience (Canadian Medical Association). A large part of this can be attributed to the efficiency and personalization of a connected health platform.  

Innovative digital technology can help connected health platforms become more personalized by remotely collecting data such as symptoms and side effects for each patient. An example of this is blood pressure, as digital technology can be used to monitor blood pressure after a patient takes a certain medication. This is where electronic data capture platforms, such as Zamplo Research, come in as researchers and clinicians are able to capture health data (e.g. blood pressure and medication intake) remotely.   

Insight Driven Care  

As patients or study participants track their health information on a connected health platform, researchers and clinicians are able to remotely monitor and collect real-time data through electronic data capture platforms. This integration can help physicians and researchers collect data more effectively and efficiently.   

Since connected health platforms are able to deliver health data directly from the patient to electronic data capture platforms, this reduces errors in human data entry. With the combination of fewer errors and quantitative data, errors in the diagnosis and treatment process can be reduced significantly. Fast and effective diagnoses and treatments can lead to higher patient satisfaction.   

Remote patient monitoring through connected health platform integrations can also show data that may be a precursor to other health issues. Data that health care providers receive on electronic data capture platforms may also help identify trends and statistics in health care, providing insight and understanding of genetic conditions or large-scale viruses. It is important to note that some connected health platforms collect patient information for distribution, while others prioritize patient safety and privacy.   

Expands Access to Care 

It is no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic strained the global healthcare system. Connected health platforms, like Telehealth, have helped patients and care teams communicate efficiently and effectively, reducing the need for in-person care.   

With the help of digital technology, health data monitoring can be done from a patient's home, improving access to care. Having constant monitoring paired with digital data movement can create an environment where healthcare professionals have quicker access to patient health data, and efficiently respond to patient needs.    

Connectedness (Community)   

Having a support system is incredibly important when it comes to a patient's health journey. Support systems can help with daily tasks, emotional support, and in terms of connected health platforms, information and resource sharing (Johns Hopkins).   

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When different people involved in a patient's health care work together and share information, it can help reduce stress and improve emotional well-being. Connected health platform integrations can make this sharing easier through digital means, instead of passing off papers.   

Some connected health platforms have a single place to share resources, acting like an online database, such as Zamplo App’s Health Library. These databases can hold information that can be uploaded by researchers or practitioners via an electronic data capture platform, like Zamplo Research 

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Connected health platforms can help patients in similar health situations connect with each other and build a supportive community. Although having relatives or friends within a patient's support system is highly beneficial; it can be extremely validating to connect with patients who understand the specific journey.   

What Is the Benefit of a Connected Health Platform Integration With a Remote Data Capture Platform? 

Currently, many benefits look at the effectiveness and cost savings connected health platforms have. Connected health platforms are more than just a way for patients to self-report data. The changing landscape of health care is becoming more patient-centred through community and insight-driven data.   

While digital healthcare technology continues to evolve and become more innovative, patients will increasingly become empowered to create autonomy within their health journey. This results in more informed patient decision-making.   

Electronic data capture platforms serve as the researcher portal allowing clinicians and researchers to view and export participant health data more efficiently and effectively. As more healthcare and research approaches incorporate technology into practices, integrations with connected health platforms provide an innovative way to conduct clinical trials that put the participant at the centre of every decision.     

To learn more about how Zamplo Research (an electronic data capture platform) can integrate with Zamplo App (a connected health platform), visit 


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